The Lost Atlantis

India Was the Founder of Atlantis!
-Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

During the early days of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, a Catholic priest, Andrés Pérez de Rivas, wrote of the experiences he had with the Indians of Northern Mexico and Southwestern United States between 1591 -1620.

He was especially interested in two of their main deities: "one they called Variseva. The other was called Vairubi, who was said to be the mother of the first figure they referred to them as the first beings from whom the rest of mankind was born." (History of the Triumphs of Our Holy Faith.)

Unlike western readers of my articles and two books, India Once Ruled the Americas and The Last Atlantis Book You'll Ever Have to Read, my Hindu readers don't need me to tell them who Virasiva and Bhairavi are. Father Rivas described some of the ways the Native-Americans worshiped Varaseva and Vairubi "The Indians moved in and out of this circle, singing and dancing, adorned or painted with rods in their hands."

These rods were undoubtedly "Lingayats." The good father was especially outraged by their custom of praying to oblong upright stones with strange swastika markings and serpents etched on the sides. No need to explain what these were, either.

If Father's observations about Virasiva, Bhairavi, hand-held Lingayats, and stone Shivlings were all the evidence I had that the Amerindians were Hindus, I, too, would be tempted to regard these anomalies as coincidences. But aside from the fact that many of them also claim to be Himday, Inde, Henditre, etc.

I can produce hundreds of proofs more! For example, when I want to identify the Indian origins of their respective deities, most of the time I have only to open up my book Siva's Thousand Names, by Subhash Anand, and find them there.

Although times are looking up, it has been a real struggle for me to make Christians and Hindus as aware of India's past dominance of the world as I am. This obstacle is none other than each group's spiritual subjectivity and sectarian biases. What both Hindus and Christians believe today is radically different from the way they worshiped thousands of years ago.

The Hindus dominated the world when Shiva was almost their only deity. At that time, the other Hindu deities were now more than Yaksas and Yaksinis. The Christians can't understand that Christianity was in existence thousands of years before Jesus Christ was born. Jesus (Yeshua) is just another name of Isvara or Shiva!

When I tell Christians and Hindus that their respective "religions" are the same thing hiding behind different "Halloween masks," and that each has come to be as pagan and idolatrous as the other, my popularity rating zooms downward alarmingly.

Another thing that some Hindus dislike about me is that whenever I read the Rgveda or some commentary about the War of the Mahabharata, I see the Asuras as "the good guys!" And why not I'm descended from the Asuras who fled India thousands of years ago, rather than submit to being demoted to Sudras and worse.

So many Hindus were living in England when Caesar invaded it that he had to use Hindu mercenaries to help him govern England and communicate effectively with the people. Half the place and last names in England are of Indian origin.

It is not my intention in this article to defend my great-great-great, etc., etc. grandparents role in that great war but to show the Indian people how they and my great-etc., grandparents influenced every crook and cranny of this world.The two groups who brought India and its institutions to the world were what the Indians call the Asvin Brothers or the Nasatya Twins.

There is not one nation on earth that wasn't influenced by these two groups we call "Twins." We of European descent know them as The Gemini Twins or Castor and Pollux. The Amerindians call them The Warrior Twins, The Benefactor Twins, and other similar names. In reality, they were just two groups of Yadavas whom history calls Pani and Cabeiri (Kubera).

The Pani (Phoenicians) were international traders who visited and colonized every country on earth. The Cabeiri accompanied them wherever they went, exploiting the world of all the gold, silver, iron, and copper deposits they could find. For that reason, these words, or their derivations, can be found all over the world. Even today, Central Mexico up to and including the American Southwest is known as La Gran Quivira (The Great Kubera).

Nearly all the gold panned in Southern Arizona leaks out of the sacred mountain of the O'odham tribe, Babo-Quivari, which means, as it also means in Sanskrit and Hindi, "Grandfather Kubera." However, in O'odham it means "Maternal Grandfather Quivari." Inside this mountain resides their deity I'itoi (Isa; Shiva). The O'odham also
worship sacred

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stones known as Hotai, which my discerning Hindu readers will recognize as a derivation of one of God Shiva's thousand names: Huta. (For a wealth of evidence of the O'odhams' relationship with India, see my book, India Once Ruled the Americas!)

The antidiffusionist scholars of the United States want you and me to believe the lie that all the ancestors of our Native-Americans entered the Western Hemisphere via the Bering Strait. The truth of the matter is that most of them were brought here on the ships of the Phoenicians (Yadavas), of which there were two groups: Near Eastern and Indian.

The story of how they spread to every country on earth is truly fascinating. As a caste of traders and shippers, which in ancient India meant that only they could legally build ships and trade, their numbers began to grow beyond India's need for such a large caste. Finally, after a series of small wars, they mutually agreed to spread out over the entire world. The Yadavas who went to Central Asia had a nearly exclusive monopoly over that part of the world, including Egypt and Europe.

The Yadavas of Northern India put down trading factories in most of the Far East and the Malayan Archipelago. It's difficult to say who discovered America first: those of the Near East or those whose ships plied the Pacific.

Legends state that prevailing winds and currents forced the Central Asian Phoenicians or Yadavas to what is now Mexico's West Coast, on the shores of Veracruz (Vira-Kurus) state. Later on, groups of Phoenicians and Cabeiris were landing on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Mexico, also in South America.

These two groups immediately saw magnificent opportunities for trading and mining in the Americas, but the tribes who lived there were too sparse and primitive to be of service to them. It was then that they decided to bring over settlers from India and possibly even parts of the Near East.

Although there are still many primitive tribes in the world, it is difficult for us to even visualize the primitivity of most of mankind between ten to five thousand BC. They were little more than animals. At that time, certain groups of India-Indians became the first fully civilized human beings. Their upward climb was always being threatened by the hordes of human animals that roamed India in those days.

According to what we easily infer from many Hindu myths, the most unredeemable cannibals and savages were sent to Patala or Atala (The Underworld), in the hopes that many of them could be trained in the arts of civilization. "The Underworld," which later came to connote "Hell," and for good reason, was called thusly because according to the ancient Indian way of thinking, India was Tal or Tala ("The Surface") while its opposite, Atal or Atala, was "Under the Surface," just as Americans like to call Australia "The Land Down Under."

The people on "The Surface" were known as Talan ("Surface People"), while those "down below" were Atalan. The myths of the Meso-Americans (Nahuatl-speaking peoples like the Aztecs, the Mayas, and the original settlers, the Olmecs) all claim that they came from a land called Tollan or Tlan, which is none other than India "Surface People" or Talan. Back in India, Mesoamerica was known as Atalandesha; to the Greeks and Middle Easterners as Atlantis.

The Mesoamericans themselves thought of themselves as Atlanteca ("Underworld People"). The Central Asian Phoenicians called their land in the Atlantic, Al-Atlantis. For that reason, names having Atlan roots are found all over Mexico: Autlán; Atlán; Mazatlán; Zihuatlán; Cuautitlán; etc. Aztatlán, on Mexico's West Coast in Nayarit (Nairitti) state, means in Sanskrit, "Where the Moon sets in Atala)" or the westernmost border of Atlantis. The hereditary kings in this area were called Nayar.

Not all the people sent to Patala or Atala were crude savages. Some of them were highly civilized and went there, mainly to what are now the Mayan lowlands in Central America: the Nagas who, in reality, were Yadava warriors, traders, and miners (Cabeiri). The land of the Nagas in Central America was doubtlessly called Nagasetra because even today, that region is called Nacaste. Evidently, these Nagas built a great civilization there because Plato mentioned the wonders of Atlantis in his Timaeus and Critias.

Indian myths and legends mention that many deities (really exalted men) visited Patala or Atala. One of these was Vishnu who went there to help the survivors rehabilitate themselves from the ravages of a flood that nearly destroyed Atlantis. This "Vishnu" was what the Mexicans called Quetzalcoatl; the Mayans, Kukulkan, and the Inca and Moche Guculmatz.

Here are some proofs for my skeptics:God Vishnu's representative in Patala or Atala had to be none other than the Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, or Guculmatz. I say this because Vishnu's Vimana (modes of transportation) were an eagle and a raft of snakes. Quetzalcoatl's, etal Vimanas were also an eagle and a raft of snakes.

The eagle signified the ability of those ancient travellers to traverse long distances, heedless of obstacles. The raft of snakes was just the Phoenician Nagas on their ships, the prows of which of resembled snakes and dragons.

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