Babar too tolerant to destroy a temple?
In the pantheon of Indian Secularist heroes, Zahiruddin
Muhammad Babar (1483-1530), the founder of the Moghul
Empire of India, occupies a uniquely important place.
Apart from his obvious importance to history, he has left
us his Memoir containing a first hand account of his life
and experiences from his failures in his struggles
to hold on to his ancestral kingdom in Central Asia, to
his founding of an empire in Hindustan. But what interests
us today is that the Baburnama gives us an intimate look
at the man and his methods, allowing us to contrast this
with the sanitized version found in history books. And
this has now acquired additional significance in the light
of the Ayodhya dispute.
Indian students for several generations have been fed
the story that Babar was a highly cultured and charming
prince who went on to found an empire that epitomized
secularism and tolerance. For instance, Pandit Nehru
that High Priest of Indian secularism wrote:
Babur was one of the most cultured and delightful persons
one could meet. There was no sectarianism in him, no religious
bigotry, and he did not destroy as his ancestors used
And Akhilesh Mithal, a modern day fiercely secular admirer
of Babar recently lamented:
The Prince Charming is seen as a horror and the expression
Babur kee aulad (offspring of Babur) is meant to be the
worst form of abuse which can be heaped upon a Muslim
The tragedy of India today is that people today do not
have time to read history and judge characters like Babur
for themselves. Instead of enjoying his many splendoured
being and the achievements of his short (47 years only)
life people are misled into the belief that he was a mere
This extravagant praise of Babar by our modern Secularists
is put in question by the observations of the great Guru
Nanak, a contemporary and an eyewitness to Babur's invasion;
in his Babur Vani, Nanak denounced him in no uncertain
terms, giving a vivid account of Babur's vandalism in
Aimanabad. But no matter; thanks to a superb new edition
of the Baburnama, we are in a position to judge for ourselves
whether Babur was indeed a prince charming, or if the
abuse Babur ki aulad has any basis in fact. I will only
present a few highlights from this outstanding new edition
of Babar's Memoir.
This brings up a point of primary importance: What does
the Baburnama have to say about the Babri Masjid? Unfortunately
nothing, for the work as it exists today is incomplete.
It has a gap of about five-and-half months from
April to September of 1528 precisely the period
during which the temple was demolished and the mosque
built. Babar tells us that he had reached Awadh in March,
and on 28 March, we find him camped a few miles downstream
of the town, reconnoitering the area for suitable hunting
grounds. Then on April 2, the Memoir breaks off abruptly
and picks up again on September 18, 1528. But, as previously
detailed, we know from other sources that the Ram Temple
was destroyed and the mosque built during Babar's stay
in Oudh.
This point is important to note: the part of the Memoir
describing Babar's stay at Ayodhya is missing from all
extant copies of the Baburnama. Thus, the claim made by
some Secularist historians that the Baburnama does not
record the destruction of the Ramjanmabhumi Temple is
entirely fradulent, as it is based on a non-existent source.
(Even if the part did exist, and did not mention the
destruction, it still does not follow that the temple
was not destroyed, but only that he failed to mention
it. For a man like Babar, destroying a temple would be
an event of no great consequence certainly nothing
like the demolition of the Babri Masjid in our own time!
All this is immaterial anyway since archaeology confirms
the temple destruction.)
This should give some idea of the magnitude of the distortion
involved in turning Babar into a tolerant person, let
alone a prince charming. And when in a particularly happy
mood, he composed the following dirge:
For the sake of Islam I became a wanderer;
I battled infidels and Hindus.
I determined to become a martyr.
Thank God I became a holy warrior.
And what did he find interesting in India? "Hindustan,"
he wrote, "is a place of little charm. ... The one
nice aspect of Hindustan is it is a large country with
lots of gold and money."
All told, a reading of the Baburnama fails to impress
one with the author's charm or chivalry. He comes across
as dour, pragmatic, calculating, and yes, bigoted and
cruel, without a touch of warmth or spontaneity in him.
He speaks so often, and with obvious glee of having made
'a tower of skulls', that one soon begins to sicken at
the expression. It is not hard to see why Babur ki aulad
is considered the worst form of abuse in North India.
He was beyond dispute a soldier of ability, but his being
a 'Prince Charming' is a modern Secularist myth of which
one finds not a trace in his own writing.
Babar saw ruthlessness as a virtue, and terror as a
useful tactical tool. In this he was a true descendant
of Timur and Chengiz Khan both of whom were his
ancestors. Babar was fully capable of destroying temples.
Nanak was eyewitness to many such destructions: temples
as strong as thunderbolt were set on fire, said Nanak.
"Than mukam jale bij mandar muchhi muchhi kuir rula'ia"
in Nanak's own words.
His destruction of the temple at Ayodhya was no isolated
case, but just routine all part of a day's work
as a Ghazi a religious warrior. Guru Nanak's eyewitness
account of Babar's campaigns gives a far more accurate
picture of Babar and his methods than almost any modern
history book. The same holds true for the Baburnama: it
is a primary source of great historical importance that
goes to demolish romantic tales about him.
At the same time, Babar was successful because he was
pragmatic. He pushed the practice of Jihad total
war in the name of Islam to its limit, but within
the bounds of possibility. He negotiated with Hindu rulers
and made deals with them when he needed to. His own string
of defeats in the early part of his career had taught
him to be prudent. So, in dealing with the Hindus he was
being practical, and not showing tolerance for its own
sake. He prided in being a Ghazi a holy warrior
for Islam but never allowed himself to be drawn
into a reckless venture. He was anything but foolhardy.
All in all, he was a practical soldier, who by no stretch
of the imagination was a tolerant prince charming as our
Secularists would have him. He himself would have laughed
at any such notion.
So Babar was not only capable of destroying temples,
but considered it his sacred duty to do so. Such is the
truth. It is the height of self deception if not an outright
falsehood to describe him as anything else.
The Baburnama is a voluminous work. A third of it is
concerned with India, containing detailed descriptions
of the land, its flora, fauna and his experiences. But
the parts that are of particular interest are those that
shed light on Babar's personality and character. Was he
tolerant and 'secular' as Nehru (and his followers) describe
him, a delightful person without any religious bigotry?
The picture of Babar that we get from his Memoir is the
exact opposite of this. He was cruel and bigoted even
by the standards of a Medieval Turk. He thought nothing
of massacring even those who had surrendered to him
hardly the mark of a chivalrous soldier. He writes of
some Afghan prisoners:
Those who were brought in alive [having surrendered]
were ordered beheaded, after which a tower of skulls was
erected in the camp.(p 188)
These were unarmed men who had already surrendered to
him! Not for nothing did the great Guru Nanak call him
a butcher. How about his tolerance of other religions,
especially Hinduism? Here is Babar speaking:
Chanderi had been in the daru'l-harb [Hindu rule] for
some years and held by Sanga's highest-ranking officer
Meidini Rao, with four or five thousand infidels, but
in 934 [1527-28], through the grace of God, I took it
by force within a ghari or two, massacred the infidels,
and brought it into the bosom of Islam ... (p 331; emphasis